Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Day 2 dawns on the Newfoundland Trailway

After breakfast in St Georges it was time to see if the legs had another day in them. Surprisingly they felt OK and keen for some more exploring. After a brief encounter with a moose cow and calf (where was the camera?) it was on to Stephenville Crossing.

The first (and only as it would transpire) closed Trailway bridge at Stephenville Crossing

Disappointing to see the Stephenville rail bridge closed as it looked like a new deck would be all that was needed to keep the journey intact. The very close proximity of a road bridge most likely means it will not see service again and be allowed to decay rather ungracefully.

An early morning surprise was spying a rather large family out for a paddle (I counted 12 chicks at least!).

A busy Mom with the little ones in tow

Trainspotters in Gallants! Seats at the ready.
The Georges Lake section sailed past and then with a long descent into Corner Brook it was time for some serious replenishment. After eating I decided on an early evening and finished with 15 kms to the bottom of Deer Lake (Boom Siding) and that would be the stop for the day.

On the way stopped by a railway landmark. Apparently my great grandfather was the engineer of this very locomotive. My black stead follows in his foot steps over a half century later.

Only appropriate my choice of engine gets pictured alongside the other family engine ;-)
Day 2 closes with 118 kms on the clock and suitable refreshments down by the lake next to the fire.

Elevation profile for the day:

Long climb from Stephenville Crossing to Gallants and Georges Lake and a great run down to Curling
Map showing the track covered on Day 2 of the ride:

St Georges to Deer Lake (Boom Siding!) - 118 kms

Continued: Link to Day 3 of the ride

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